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Treating a dog skin disorder with Evening Primrose Oil.

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

The Best Choice For Dogs That Suffer With A Skin Disorder: Natural Oils Aren't Just For Us! A blog about how Evening Primrose Oil can help reduce itching and skin irritations in dogs.

In 1986 David Grimes, Paula Bryan's father developed a shampoo that contained cold pressed Evening Primrose Oil that helped dog's with dry, sensitive skin. 37 years on, Paula Bryan has now redeveloped this shampoo under the brand GLAVADERM.

Dog with skin disorder
How to treat irritated skin on a dog

So why Evening Primrose Oil is so good for treating irritated skin on a dog.

Growing in the depth's of North America, Evening Primrose Oil was once used by Native Americans to treat open sores and wounds.

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) or the scientific name Oenothera Biennis is a rich source of essential fatty acids Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA) and Linoleic acids (LA) which is renowned for beauty and youth of skin and coat. EFA's are a type of polyunsaturated acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6, but 60% of EFA's are flushed out through the kidneys. So by taking EPO, the EFA's are replaced.

Studies have shown that EPO has a significant beneficial effect when used for treating irritate skin disorders

  • Sensitive skin, including dry and flaky skin

  • Dermatitis

  • Eczema,

  • Hair loss (Alopecia)

  • Dull coat with excessive moulting

  • Or even where the origin is unknown

It takes 5000 seeds to produce 1 gram of pure cold pressed evening primrose oil. The process of cold pressing is commonly used in the production of extracting essential oils. The term refers to a physical process whereby the essential oils are crushed or broken to release the plants oils.

When extracting Evening Primrose Oil, the first extraction is cold pressed, which is the purest of the pure and provides better health benefits. What is left over is then put through a process whereby further extraction takes place from alcohol distillation. This secondary process, is used in the manufacture of lesser quality products to include bubble baths, hand creams and less costly applications.

Knowing what to do if your dog has a skin irritation can be confusing.

Skin irritations is one of the most common problems with dogs. It can start at any point in the life of the animal and first signs are continuous scratching, redness to the skin, feeling hot to touch, hair loss and lumps and bumps. The first port of call should always be your vet to ensure there are no underlining issues. Without swift action, a skin disorder can turn into something that can take months, years or even go untreated the dog will suffer all its life.

Dog nibbling tail caused by skin complaint.
Signs of nibbling

What skin complaints a dog can get.

Allergies - this can be caused due to the environment or diet. Like us humans, allergies can start at any point in life. Commonly when the grass starts to grow in the spring, some of us are prone to hay fever. This is the same with dogs, grass allergies is a main cause of skin complaints in dogs. If your dog show signs of nibbling its feet, sneezing, redness in the eyes, it may be suffering with a grass allergy.

Sore skin in belly area of dog.
Dog skin allergy, redness in the belly area.

Again, if a dog is showing symptoms of itchy skin, eating grass more frequently, this can be signs he is suffering from a dietary allergy. Many modern diets can be high in protein. Too much protein can cause sore red skin in the belly area, feet, waxy ears and chin.

If a food allergy is well managed, your dog can live a very happy life.

The secret is checking your dog's diet and looking at the protein level. The dietary protein level for a growing dog is 18%, for an adult dog it is 8-10%.

Like us humans, the best protein source for dogs are eggs, which are highly digestible and are packed with amino acids. Following behind eggs, plant based, are rice, wheat and soybeans.

Dermatitis - a debilitating condition that can cause severe itching and inflammation to the dogs skin. The main causes of dermatitis are flea infestation, bacteria and fungal conditions, and environmental allergies. Dermatitis is not contagious, and cannot be caught be other animals within the home.

The main areas where Dermatitis strikes is the armpits, the tummy, ears and paws. Over time the skin can start to darken and thicken, with hair loss and spots or crusts on the body.

Parasites - whether its a tick or a flea, these little blood sucking creatures can cause real issues. In fact, just the saliva can cause irritation. Parasite symptoms in dogs include red, inflamed skin. They can live in your carpet, so not only do you have to treat the dog, you also need to treat the home and the pet's bedding. Otherwise the issue won't ever go away.

Dandruff, flaky skin - yes dog's can suffer with dandruff the same as us humans. This can be prevented by adding evening primrose oil into the dogs diet. If however the issue persists, then again you should speak to your vet, as there could be an underlining problem.

How to use Glavaderm in soothing and calming sensitive skin.

Glavaderm Shampoo is effective in soothing sensitive skin. Containing 3% cold pressed Evening Primrose Oil, Glavaderm is best used and applied undiluted if you are bathing a dog with a skin disorder.

Most of the time, dog shampoos can be diluted, but if you want to know more about Understanding Dog Shampoo, click this link below and it will tell you the truth about what's contained in the products we use today, how to use and look after shampoo.

If you would like to know more about Glavaderm, or you have a dog with a skin disorder, we are here to help.

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