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How To Groom a Cockerpoo

Updated: Jun 21

Designer breeds are now becoming more and more popular, especially the Cockerpoo. Follow our easy steps to grooming your Cockerpoo.

The Cockerpoo varies in degree of thickness and length of growth, usually it is fare more profuse, wavy and curly than the pedigree Cocker. Cockerpoos are definitely more consistent in coat than some other cross breeds.

Constant brushing with a slicker and combing through with a medium toothed comb. When the coat is kept long, regular monthly appointments at the groomers may be required to keep the coat in good condition. A mild shampoo and a good conditioner is a popular asset, which many find helpful to deal with the knots and tangles and to prevent matting.

Procedure Equipment needed: Clippers, scissors, slicker brush.

  1. The entire coat can be scissored to a manageable length if it is not matted, or if the matts are removable.

  2. The No 7F or No. 5 blade is often used on the body. The legs are scissored to a tubular shape, or clipped down with the No.5 blade. The feet should be scissored to a tidy finish.

  3. The head can be clipped with a No.5 blade or it can be scissored to a round shape, leaving whiskers and bears where desired.

  4. Shampoo using a mild product.

  5. Blow dry, brushing long hair away from the body.

  6. Tidy any loose ends.

  7. Check ears, teeth and nails.


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