Jan 30, 20212 min

5 Social Media Tips for Dog Groomers

As a dog groomer, marketing and brand exposure is essential to growing your business and the audience it can attract. Your social media pages that include Facebook and Instagram, are the pages that you should be reaching your clients via and showing off your work.

Maintaining an active and effective social media is essential to building your dog grooming business and your brand. Here are a few tips to help you achieve your marketing goals:

  1. Ensure your customers tag you, your business name and your location. Social media searches are as important as search engines are for business. If your clients take pictures of their freshly groomed dog, ask them to tag your business and the location that you are situated in.

  2. Document your grooming process through Instagram and Facebook story features. People are now inclined to look at your stories before looking at your page. Putting ads and offers into your stories also helps with client engagement.

  3. Run a giveaway competition. Giveaways are great for your company exposure and drumming up new business. A day before you are planning to run the competition mention it in your story. This could be an offer off free nail trimming, a puppy makeover. Be creative and get clients through your front door.

  4. Partner up with your local vet and community. Dog grooming is now becoming very competitive, so you need to stay ahead of your competitors. For example, a potential client may not know of the best groomer in town, but they currently use the services of a dog walker. This dog walker could be a potential source of referral. So seek out niche potential connections in your area.

  5. Don't be afraid of hashtags! One of the best ways to get seen on Instagram is to include and attach hashtags. They are a good way for your clients to search in your area and the services you offer. So if you have popped a picture of a before and after groom of a Westie, include some hashtags like #westie #westhighlandwhite #westiegrooming #doggroomersofinstagram #doggroomerUK #doggroomerlife #doggroomersurrey

    You are allowed to attach up to 30 hashtags on your post and 10 for your Instagram story, but that could look like your spamming your audience. So it's best to use around 20.

If you like our suggestions for your business, Like our Instagram page @clipitgroom and Facebook page @clipitgrooming and we will give you a like back. Good Luck!

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