Thick dense coated breeds are truly handsome, but they take some grooming. In this handy guide we cover some of those breeds.

Breeds such as the Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Collie, Samoyed and the Finnish Spitz take considerable looking after. When these dogs moult, they mean it. Fluffy hair will come out in handfuls. In a few days, a good moult can completely cover the living-room floor. Unfortunately, these dogs seem to moult continuously due to the warm climate, so daily vacuuming is a must.
Bathing and grooming will remove most of the offending hair in a few hours and save you considerable time hoovering. The quick removal of the moulting coat can be achieved by using the Clipit De-Shed shampoo, that helps lift and remove dead hair quickly.
With these thick, dense coated breeds, it is sometimes as well to comb the hair initially, taking first a wide-toothed comb to dislodge the most offending hairs, and then a medium-toothed comb.Brushing can then be done to enhance the finish. In some cases, the following procedure will budge most of the hairs:
Brush thoroughly with a slicker or pin brush, brushing the coat in an upwards motion.
Clean the hair out of the brush regularly.
Then brush the coat in a downward stroke.
Comb through to remove any loose hairs.
With all these types of breeds, you will save considerable time drying the dog if the force dryer is used to force water from the coat following the bath. The force dryer will help remove a considerable amount of dead hair from the coat, even before the bath. However, dogs need to get used to the high velocity of this blower.
These breeds are usually nice to work on, providing they have been accustomed to being brushed from an early age. It is always advisable to spend some time with the owner to advise them that brushing and combing is essential to their dog's well being and good health.
Thick dense coated breeds are never clipped, stripped or thinned, but there is plenty of grooming to be undertaken and are frequently seen within salons.
Akita (Japanese)

The double coat of the Akita has a course outer coat that is straight and stands of his body. The undercoat is soft and dense, and the coat on the tail is profuse.
Regular weekly brushing is required to remove undercoat, as well as the outer coat. Normally sheds his coat twice per year.
The Collie (Rough)
The coat fits the outline of the dog's body, and is very dense. The outer coat is very straight and harsh to the touch. the undercoat is soft, furry and very close, almost hiding the skin. There is an abundant of mane and frill around the neck with the ears being smooth at the tips, but carry more hair towards their base.
The front legs are well feathered and the hind legs are feathered above the hocks.

When the Collie starts to moult/shed it is advised to daily groom or bath as required. The object of this exercise is to remove all the dead undercoat to allow new growth. The undercoat can easily mat up at this time, especially under the elbows, around the ears, and around the hind legs. If mats do occur, use your blunt-nosed scissors to cut into the mat, away from the skin, and loosen off the mat. A well-cared for Collie will not mat up if regular grooming takes place.
With all breeds that have an abundant coats that are thick, the secret is to bath and groom regularly to lift and remove dead hair. A great article to read is on How To Cope With Matted Coats. This gives you additional advice on dealing with those thick, dense coats that come in matted. Click the link here...
Thick, Dense Coated Breeds
Chow Chow
Finnish Lapphund
German Spitz
Tibetan Mastiff